how to apply for studies abroad




When it comes to applying for studies abroad, there have always been two approaches for
going about it. On the one hand, hundreds of agencies flood the internet and urban
advertisement spaces offering to assist study abroad students with their applications; these
agencies specialize in the application process and work with thousands of students every year.
On the other hand, note that you can opt to do the whole procedure yourself. Shortly on this
website we will be launching a video series aimed at guiding students through the process
independently by showing them several key strategies.
In the meantime, note that you can also find the necessary information online, starting on this
website. When you want to study abroad, thoroughly informing yourself about the following
steps is key.
1. Select your target country.
2. Explore their education system.
3. Choose your field of study.
4. Find at least 10 universities offering the given program.
5. Read your prospective department's website, scanning for specifics about your study
6. Also visit the admission office's website, looking for requirements to get a seat in your
target program.
7. Select the 2-3 universities that you will be applying to.
8. Locate the online application form in each case and fill it out.
9. Upload the required documents where indicated, and pay the application fee (if any).
10. Wait for the decision from the admission committee.
11. Once you have secured admission, move to the embassy website of your chosen
country within your border.
12. On the embassy homepage locate information about the application for a visa – on that
page, you will see all the necessary steps to apply for a student visa. The most important
information here is the required documents.
13. Follow indicated steps to fill out a visa application and prepare for the interview if one is
required in your particular case.
14. If you are granted a visa, follow recommended steps to prepare for your travel and
studies journey.

Filing out your study abroad applications – how much does it cost?

As a prospective study abroad student, you need to know that whether you go for the do-it-
yourself or the PAID option to prepare your study abroad applications, diverse costs are
associated with the process before you ever get to the steps of paying for your flight ticket and
covering your tuition plus living costs expenses after your arrival at your final destination. These
costs include:
● Money to translate all your documents if necessary

● Money to pass required admission tests like TOEFL, GRE/GMAT, etc. (where
● Money to certify your documents if necessary
● Money for mailing your application if you opted for the offline/paper version
● Application fees for universities
● Visa application fees

When it comes to applying for studies abroad, you can choose between the do-it-yourself
approach and the PAID approach. A lot of parents and students go for the paid version: even
though there is no guarantee that the experts will get you a visa, using the services of experts
increases your chances not only of getting admitted to a university but also of landing a visa.
Furthermore, getting the assistance of an expert facilitates your integration abroad because they
offer copious supportive advice and the availability of their strong network in the target country.
The downside of hiring the service of these experts is that in addition to what you would have
spent had you opted for the do-it-yourself approach, you will be paying for what's referred to as
a commission fee, which is you paying for the time that they will spend processing your
application. The cost of the commission fee varies from agency to agency, and you can shop
around before making your decision. These fees can vary from $650 to up to $2500. It depends
on the agency and your chosen study destination, as the procedure in some countries is more
straightforward than in others.
Agencies work differently and while many have diverse strategies for overcharging the client,
others are fairly straightforward in their way of handling your application and will not charge you
more than they ought to. In all cases, our advice is to go with the agency that is the most
transparent. The contemporary global economy is plagued with people who make a living off
scamming others. But getting scammed out of a couple of francs or dollars is one thing and
getting scammed out of millions is another: be careful, therefore, when entrusting your millions
to anyone, be it in person or online. For example, there is no reason why an agency should be
the one paying tuition fees in your place; you can always do that yourself on the website of the

Our nonprofit offers these services,

Several advantages set us apart. These include:

1. The reason why we are in this business. We are a nonprofit focused on the fight
against poverty. When it comes to fighting poverty, one of Africa’s biggest assets is her
young people who are capable of affording a high-quality education abroad. Sadly, the
bulk of these students do not fully comprehend the tremendous impact that they can

have in the development of their respective nations, which, in turn, can open doors to the
leadership career that many dream of. Helping African students find their impactful
calling and fulfilling career is why we are in this business. As a result, unlike your basic
study abroad agency, we take a holistic approach to helping the student as we start by
making sure that the field of study the student is going for is one that maximizes his or
her chances for landing a bright career in the future.
2. Our commission fee is lower than the current market value (a flat rate of $500).
3. We do not collect any money from the student other than that commission fee. So all
your millions stay in your pocket, and we limit ourselves to telling you what is needed
and when. For instance, when applying to the university, you will directly pay for the
application fee or any required down payment on the university website. The same goes
for the embassy. That way, no extra fee is charged.
What are the costs you can expect when you hire an expert?
As previously mentioned, diverse costs are associated with the application process before you
ever get to the steps of paying for your flight ticket and covering your tuition plus living costs
expenses after your arrival at your final destination. These costs include:
● Money to translate all your documents if necessary
● Money for the various admission tests, if required
● Money to certify your documents if necessary
● Money for mailing your application if you opted for the offline/paper application version
● University application fees
● Visa application fees
The only difference between the do-it-yourself and the PAID/hiring-an-expert option is the
commission fee that you pay for the work that the expert performs.

What’s the take-home message?

Whether you go for the do-it-yourself or the hiring-an-expert option to process your application,
prepare yourself for some serious spending during the initial phases. That's why many go for
the PAID option—to limit the number of mistakes.


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