below you will find a list of project in need of funding

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Project 1: by donating today,

you help us leverage the power of internet to improve the quality of the education of university students all over Africa – The beauty of this project is the fact that students, not in one but ALL African countries can be reached educated and TRANSFORMED through a single tool our virtual assistance center

We built a tool, one that has the potential to inspire and improve the education of African students all over the continent IN ONE SHOT— no need to build offices nearby. Though many students are already aware of this tool it, metrics show that an overwhelming majority aren’t. We need your help to change that and get it in the hand of every single student in this continent. The sociopolitical situation in Africa is so chaotic, this is a rare way to help students NOW, cost-effectively, and what’s more on a large scale…

Google, Inc. has helped us tremendously in the past, and we want to thank them. Our outreach remains, however, seriously limited because the platform itself needs some critical restructuration and updates that will facilitate spreading news of its existence faster and improve student experience. That’s what we need the funds for:

Type of work: SEO & marketing, plus some in-house steps to improve student experience.


Project 2: By donating today,

Building a command-center

It directly relates to the above.

The assistance mentioned above is mostly a self-help type for our staff time is allocated to building materials that will be used by students. How good could it be if an actual command center attached to the current virtual center were put in place?  From ONE SPOT IN AFRICA preferably, academic advisors would provide more in-depth one-on-one assistance. That’s in substance what this project 2 is all about.

The beauty of this project is THE IMMEDIATE impact it could have on the higher education system not of one country of Africa but all the 54. Another excellent feature is that it goes around the complex administrative situations one might encounter trying to impart such changes on the field one country after the next. And lastly another great advantage this project offers is cost effectiveness .

Project 3: By donating today

Help build career centers in universities all over Africa


The main issues that African universities suffer from are (1) outdated curricula that are (2) non-relevant to the corporate world’s needs, plus (3) students thrown largely on their own resources basically. A recent survey of thousands of students we conducted and that involved students from nearly ALL African countries shows that 85% are in desperate need of assistance in this regard. Finally, African universities suffer from a (4) lack of funds. We recently conceived an idea for AN ADD-ON to these universities that can help them IN ALL 4 of THESE AREAS: it is an impressive money-making structure which can accordingly interest investors as well as African universities while changing the lives of students.  

Our big dream is to progressively equip major African universities with these ADD-ONS. The business plan is ready; we only need the funds.

Because of issues of confidentiality and trade secrets, please forgive us for keeping details to a minimum here. If you are an investor, please contact us. (we really look forward to this)