Below you have all sorts of journals offering their publications FREE to all.

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Here is the list :

  1. Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy
  2. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics
  3. Australian Prescriber
  4. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology
  5. BMC Clinical Pharmacology
  6. BMC Pharmacology
  7. Chronicles of Young Scientists
  8. Clinical Medicine : Therapeutics
  9. Core Evidence
  10. DARU
  11. Doping Journal
  12. Drug Design, Development and Therapy
  13. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
  14. Drug Target Insights
  15. Folia Pharmacologica Japonica
  16. Indian Journal of Pharmacology
  17. International Journal of Green Pharmacy
  18. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research (IJPBR)
  19. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development
  20. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research
  21. International Journal of Pharmacology
  22. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
  23. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
  24. Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  25. ISSN: 13473506
  26. Japanese Journal of Hyperthermic Oncology
  27. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research
  28. Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics
  29. Journal of Autoimmune Diseases (JAD)
  30. Journal of Exercise Physiology – Online
  31. Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice
  32. Journal of Innovative Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  33. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences
  34. Journal of Physical Therapy Science
  35. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development
  36. Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association
  37. Malaysian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  38. Marine Drugs
  39. Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
  40. Molecular Medicine
  41. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy
  42. Open Drug Discovery Journal
  43. Open Drug Metabolism Journal
  44. Open Pharmacology Journal
  45. Open Rehabilitation Journal
  46. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
  47. Patient Preference and Adherence
  48. Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry
  49. Pharmacological Reports
  50. Polish Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy
  51. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
  52. Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia
  53. The Internet Journal of Pharmacology
  54. The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology
  55. Thermal Medicine
  56. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research