Germany is one of the greatest study destinations with numerous courses and programs being offered on top of its being one of the most stable and well-organized countries in the world. It is thus not surprising that Germany is one of the top destination choices for international students. Germany has top-ranked universities offering diverse specialized study programs. As of 2022, there are about 17,468 study programs offered in Germany, covering all fields of study. So it is safe to say that whatever your targeted field of study you can certainly go to Germany as a study destination.

Their degrees are recognized and valued globally. Their tuition rates are exceptional, and there are even universities offering whole degree programs for free. Citizens of some countries do not need a student Visa to study in Germany. If that is not the case for you, being an African student, for instance, you need to get in touch with the German Embassy/Consulate in your home country at some point to get a Visa. This is a process that lasts about two weeks on average and requires some fees to be paid, in addition to providing embassy officials with the necessary documents.  



Admission Requirements

As for any other country, when you have decided what program to study, visit the websites of your preferred universities to determine what the admission requirements are.


Requirements 1: Language requirements

This is an important one and depends on which language your degree will be offered in. In Germany, fortunately, German isn’t the only course language taught; some programs are taught in standard English, which is great news for those whose first language is English. On average, however, international students need to provide proof that they have mastery of the language in which the courses will be taught. If that language is English, and your first language isn’t English, then you need to send TOEFL or IELTS scores. If the course is to be offered in German, applicants need to provide a German language proficiency test score, for example The Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH) or TestDaF. Native English speakers going for a German-taught course need to provide this as well.


Requirement 2: Eligible entrance degree or level: 

On average it is required that your qualification that’s the highest degree that you earned back home be (1) recognized in Germany and (2) equivalent to the entry degree of your chosen program. For example, let’s say that you want to get admitted to a master’s degree program after finishing your bachelor’s program in your home country. What you need to realize is that you are competing for seats with German students who are required to have a German bachelor’s degree. To be deemed eligible your bachelor’s degree thus needs to be equivalent to the German bachelor’s degree.

If, unfortunately for you, it is determined that your degree is not recognized in Germany, it isn’t the end of the world. What this means is that you will be required to sit for a one-year preparatory course also referred to as Studienkolleg.

An equivalent degree deemed eligible for admission consideration is meant to demonstrate your IQ, but some universities require an extra aptitude test referred to in Germany as the TestAS. Not all non-German students have to go through this extra step which typically targets those coming from outside of Europe.

What are the required documents for admission to German universities

There numberous documents that you will need to provide in addition to a well-filled application. The exact list varies from one university/program to the next. It is for this reason that visiting the website of the university and your specific target department is important.

On average, however, you can be sure that you will be required to provide the following documents:

  • Proof of language proficiency
  • Certified copy of your academic credentials
  • Translated overview of your modules and grades
  • Copy of your passport and a passport photo

Again, check on your targeted school and department website for a complete list of documents to be provided as well as steps to be followed


Requirement 3: Financial means

Proving that you are capable of affording studies in Germany is one of the toughest parts of the admission process for a German university. You must be able to provide that proof when applying, especially for your visa.

The good financial news when it comes to studying in Germany is that in 2014 Germany’s sixteen states abolished tuition fees for all undergraduate students in public universities, German and international students alike, leaving them with only a minimal fee to pay to cover administrative and another costs per semester. Even though many have reverted to imposing a 3000-Euro tuition fee to non-EU students, the fact remains that the cost is low compared to other countries. This is important information to take into account when the time comes to choose your state and university in Germany.

Note, however, that in Germany there are also private universities, and they fix their own tuition rate. Many charge very high tuition fees. 

Tuition isn’t all that needs to be factored in. You also need to budget for living expenses. As mentioned earlier, with a little research you can avoid tuition fees in Germany. You can’t, however, avoid living expenses. The cost of living varies from city to city and in some cases can be very high. An example is Munich which has a cost of living of around 12000 Euro. This is the most expensive city in Germany. Cost of living is one of the toughest challenges that many study abroad students face in Germany. There are many living options: German halls of residence, private apartments, and shared flats. On average, however, it costs about 10200 Euro to live in Germany, which is relatively high. You need to show proof of having enough money to cover your living expenses and of course your tuition if the university you will be attending requires students to pay for tuition.