Below you have all sorts of journals offering their publications FREE to all.

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Here is the list :




  1. 1611 : Revista de Historia de la Traducción
  2. 19 : Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
  3. 3L Language, Linguistics and Literature : The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies
  4. A Contracorriente
  5. Alizés : Revue Angliciste de la Réunion
  6. Altre Modernità
  7. American Studies Journal
  8. Americana : E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary
  9. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria Filologie
  10. Analyses : Revue de critique et de théorie littéraire
  11. Anglogermanica Online
  12. Argumentation et Analyse du Discours
  13. Asian EFL Journal
  14. Aspeers : Emerging Voices in American Studies
  15. Atlantis
  16. Australian Humanities Review
  17. Belphegor
  18. Brathair
  19. Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature
  20. Cahiers de Narratologie
  21. Cardiff Corvey : Reading the Romantic Text
  22. Carnets : Revue Electronique d’Etudes Françaises
  23. Carte Italiane
  24. Çédille : Revista de Estudios Franceses
  25. Cervantes
  26. CLCWeb : Comparative Literature and Culture
  27. Colloquia Maruliana
  28. Colloquy
  29. Composition Forum
  30. Confluências : Revista de tradução científica e técnica
  31. Consciousness, Literature and the Arts
  32. COnTEXTES : Revue de sociologie de la littérature
  33. COPAS : Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies
  34. Crisolenguas
  35. Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices
  36. Cross-cultural Communication
  37. Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin
  38. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal
  39. CW3: Corvey Women Writers on the Web
  41. Delaware Review of Latin American Studies
  42. Didáctica (Lengua y Literatura)
  43. Divergencias : Revista de Estudios Linguisticos y Literarios
  44. Early Modern Literary Studies
  45. E-Fabulations : e-Journal of Children’s Literature
  46. eHumanista
  47. Electronic Antiquity : Communicating the Classics
  48. Electronic Book Review
  49. ellipsis
  50. Energeia
  51. English for Specific Purposes World
  52. Epiphany
  53. Erfurt Electronic Studies in English
  54. E-Sharp
  55. Estudios de Lingüística del Espanol
  56. Etudes epistémè
  57. Forum for Inter-American Research (FIAR)
  58. FULGOR: Flinders University Languages Group Online Review
  59. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies
  60. Genders
  61. German as a foreign language
  62. Glossator : Practice and Theory of the Commentary
  63. Heliotropia
  64. Hipertexto
  65. Hispanic Issues On Line
  66. Ianua : Revista Philologica Romanica
  67. IASLonline
  68. Image and Narrative : Online Magazine of the Visual Narrative
  69. ImageTexT : Interdisciplinary Comics Studies
  70. Indian Review of World Literature in English
  71. Intercâmbio
  72. Interval(le)s
  73. Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie
  74. Janus Head
  75. Japanese journal of American studies
  76. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
  77. Journal of Dagaare Studies
  78. Journal of Language Teaching and Research
  79. Journal of Modern Turkish Studies
  80. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature
  81. K@ta : a Biannual Publication on the Study of Language and Literature
  82. Ka Mate Ka Ora : a New Zealand Journal of Poetry and Poetics
  83. KEMANUSIAAN : The Asian Journal of Humanities
  84. Kritika Kultura
  85. La Revue des Lettres Modernes : Gustave Flaubert
  86. Language and Literacy : A Canadian Educational e-journal
  87. Language Learning and Technology
  88. Lecturae Tropatorum
  89. LEMIR : Revista de Literatura Española Medieval y Renacimiento
  90. Letras Hispanas
  91. LiBRI : Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation
  92. Lingua Romana : a journal of French, Italian and Romanian culture
  93. Linguae &. Rivista di lingue e culture moderne
  94. Lingüística en la Red
  95. LLJournal
  96. Loxias
  97. MarcoELE : Revista de Didáctica
  98. Margini : Giornale della Dedica e Altro
  99. Mediations
  100. Medieval Review
  101. de
  102. Neues Curriculum
  103. New Voices in Classical Reception Studies
  104. Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies
  105. NJES : Nordic Journal of English studies
  106. Nordic Journal of African Studies
  107. Nordlit : Arbeidstidsskrift i Litteratur og Kultur
  108. Oral Tradition
  109. Papers : Explorations into Children’s Literature
  110. Paroles Gelées
  111. Persuasions: the Jane Austen Journal On-Line
  112. Philament : An Online Journal of the Arts and Culture
  113. PhiN
  114. Poljarnyj Vestnik
  115. Pores : An avant-gardist journal of poetics research
  116. Postcolonial Text
  117. Reconstruction : Studies in Contemporary Culture
  118. Revelli
  119. Revista Eletrônica do Instituto de Humanidades
  120. Revista Escrita
  121. Revista Letra Magna
  122. Revista Signos
  123. Revue Electronique de Litterature Francaise : RELIEF
  124. Romanitas : Lenguas y Literaturas Romances
  125. Romantic Textualities : Literature and Print Culture, 1780–1840
  126. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net
  127. Romanticism On the Net
  128. Rosetta
  129. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
  130. S : Journal of the Jan van Eyck Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique
  131. Semen
  132. Slavica Slovaca
  133. Studi Slavistici
  134. Studii si Cercetari Filologice : Seria Limbi Romanice
  135. Südslavistik online
  136. Swahili-Forum
  137. Synergies Canada
  138. Synthesis (La Plata)
  139. Teaching English with Technology
  140. Tejuelo : Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura
  141. Temps Zéro : Revue d’Étude des Écritures Contemporaines
  142. TESL – EJ
  143. The Annual of Urdu Studies
  144. The International Journal of Baudrillard Studies
  145. The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies
  146. The Looking Glass : New Perspectives on Children’s Literature
  147. The Poetess Archive Journal
  148. Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek
  149. Toronto Slavic Quarterly
  150. Transformative Works and Cultures
  151. Verniana : Jules Verne Studies/Études Jules Verne
  152. WEB-FU – Wiener elektronische Beiträge des Instituts für Finno-Ugristik
  153. Zeitschrift für Katalanistik
  154. Žmogus ir Žodis