Below you have all sorts of journals offering their publications FREE to all.

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Here is the list :

  1. Advancing Women in Leadership
  2. Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education
  3. CW3: Corvey Women Writers on the Web
  4. Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality
  5. Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review
  6. Gender Forum
  7. Genders
  8. Genre, sexualité et société
  9. anguage: French
  10. International Family Planning Perspectives
  11. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology
  12. Journal of International Women’s Studies
  13. Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality
  14. Lectio Difficilior
  15. anguage: German, English, French
  16. Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies
  17. Outskirts: Feminisms along the Edge
  18. The Scholar & Feminist Online
  19. Storia delle Donne
  20. anguage: Italian, French
  21. Thirdspace : a Journal of Feminist Theory & Culture
  22. Visual Culture & Gender
  23. Women in Judaism : A Multidisciplinary Journal
  24. Women’s Health & Urban Life