Below you have all sorts of journals offering their publications FREE to all.

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Here is the list :

  1. Arquivos de Gastroenterologia
  2. BMC Gastroenterology
  3. Case Reports in Gastroenterology
  4. Clinical Medicine : Gastroenterology
  5. Comparative Hepatology
  6. Gastroenterology Insights
  7. Gastroenterology Research
  8. Gastroenterology Research and Practice
  9. Hepatitis B Annual
  10. Hepatitis Monthly
  11. HPB Surgery
  12. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology
  13. The Internet Journal of Gastroenterology
  14. JOP Journal of the Pancreas
  15. Jornal Português de Gastrenterologia
  16. Open Gastroenterology Journal
  17. Polish Gastroenterology
  18. Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas
  19. Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology