Below you have all sorts of journals offering their publications FREE to all.

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Here is the list :


Analytical Chemistry






  1. Analytical Chemistry Insights
  2. Analytical Sciences
  3. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
  4. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly
  5. Chemical Engineering
  6. E-polymers
  7. Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
  8. International Journal of Analytical Chemistry
  9. International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  10. International Journal of Chemical Engineering
  11. International Journal of Electrochemical Science
  12. Iranian Polymer Journal
  13. Journal of Automated Methods & Management in Chemistry
  14. Latin American Applied Research
  15. Metal-Based Drugs
  16. Open Analytical Chemistry Journal
  17. Open Chemical Engineering Journal
  18. Open Crystallography Journal
  19. Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales
  20. Sensors
  21. Tecnología, Ciencia, Educación


Chemistry (General)





  1. Acta Chimica Slovenica
  2. Acta Crystallographica Section E
  3. Advances in Physical Chemistry
  4. Analele Universitatii Bucuresti : Chimie
  5. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
  6. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
  7. Avances en Química
  8. BioResources
  9. Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Química
  10. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis
  11. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
  12. Carbon : Science and Technology
  13. Ceramics-Silikáty
  14. Chemical Bulletin of “Politehnica” University of Timisoara
  15. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly
  16. Chemical Journal on Internet
  17. Chemistry Central Journal
  18. Chemistry Education. Research and Practice in Europe
  19. Croatica Chemica Acta – izd. tromjesečno Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo
  20. Current Chemical Genomics
  21. Current Science
  22. Diffusion Fundamentals
  23. Eclética Química
  24. Egyptian Journal of Solids
  25. E-Preservation Science
  26. European Journal of Chemistry
  27. Functional Materials
  28. Hyle: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry
  29. Indian Journal of Chemistry : A
  30. International Journal of Chemistry
  31. International Journal of Electrochemical Science
  32. International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  33. International Journal of Photoenergy
  34. International Journal of Physical Sciences
  35. International Journal of Spectroscopy
  36. Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design
  37. Journal of Business Chemistry
  38. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research
  39. Journal of Chemical Sciences
  40. Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan
  41. Journal of Electrophoresis
  42. Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences
  43. Journal of Science And Arts
  44. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
  45. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society
  46. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society
  47. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
  48. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
  49. Laser Chemistry
  50. Latin American Applied Research
  51. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  52. Makara Seri Sains
  53. Molbank
  54. Nanoscale Research Letters
  55. Nucleic acids research
  56. Open Catalysis Journal
  57. Open Chemical and Biomedical Methods Journal
  58. Open Glycoscience
  59. Open Macromolecules Journal
  60. Open Natural Products Journal
  61. Open Physical Chemistry Journal
  62. Orbital : the Electronic Journal of Chemistry
  63. Particle and Fibre Toxicology
  64. Periódico Tchê Química
  65. Polish Journal of chemical technology
  66. Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta
  67. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences : Chemical Sciences
  68. Química Nova
  69. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
  70. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
  71. Research Letters in Physical Chemistry
  72. Revista de la Sociedad Química de México
  73. Revista de la Sociedad Química del Perú
  74. Revista Productos Naturales
  75. Revista Virtual de Química
  76. Texture, Stress, and Microstructure
  77. Turkish Journal of Chemistry



Inorganic Chemistry



  1. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications
  2. International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
  3. Open Inorganic Chemistry Journal
  4. Research Letters in Inorganic Chemistry


Organic Chemistry

  1. ARKIVOC – Online Journal of Organic Chemistry
  2. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
  3. Indian Journal of Chemistry : Section B
  4. Lipid Insights
  5. Molecules
  6. Open Organic Chemistry Journal
  7. Organic Chemistry International
  8. Organic Communications
  9. Research Letters in Organic Chemistry
  10. Ukrainica Bioorganica Acta